Info For Faculty and Staff

REMINDER: These rules apply only to undergraduate lecture and seminar courses and their instructors teaching on-campus, off-campus, dual credit, education abroad and via distance education or extension. Independent study, laboratory, clinical, guided study, internships, and other personalized courses are excluded. Graduate courses and instructors are also excluded.

Faculty and staff will use this website, including NetID and password, to upload documents that must be publicly accessible. In order to meet compliance obligations, all faculty, departments, and colleges will utilize this website. No local solutions are acceptable.

To get started, navigate to the Editor Access page and enter your NetID and password. The next page will display the instructor's curriculum vitae and course schedule. Upload all required documents on this page. See specific instructions below.

Thank you for your assistance in ensuring Texas State's transparency, communication and compliance with HB 2504.

Courses to which rules apply

Undergraduate courses and their instructors are subject to these rules, including on-campus, off-campus, dual-credit, distance education, education abroad, and extension courses. These course types and instructors are excluded from the rules: independent study, directed readings, laboratory, clinical, internship, practicum, private lessons, discussion sections or others tailored specifically to individual students. All graduate level courses and instructors are also excluded.


Due Date: Jun 12 2024 Summer Sem

Faculty members have a critical role in the university’s HB 2504 initiative, as they are responsible for ensuring their current syllabi and curriculum vitae (CV) are uploaded to the HB 2504 website by the due date. To get started, navigate to the Editor Access page.

Faculty CV

A CV for each instructor of record for each section of every undergraduate course will be available on the university’s HB 2504 website. Instructors will have the opportunity to use their current CV on the site or upload a new one. New instructors will need to upload a CV. The CVs posted may be the Texas State CVs used for SACSCOC or alternative CVs that must include minimally the following information:

  1. All institutions of higher education attended, with the dates of attendance and degree(s) earned;
  2. All previous teaching and administrative positions relevant to higher education, including the names of the institutions, the position, beginning and ending dates, and brief description of the position’s responsibilities;
  3. A list of significant professional publications relevant to the academic positions held, including full publication data for each entry; and
  4. The CV may include the instructor’s professional contact information, such as office telephone number, work address, and institutional email address. It should not include personal information about the instructor, such as the home address or personal telephone number

Course Syllabi

A course syllabus for each undergraduate course will be posted to the university’s HB 2504 website and will be searchable by both instructor name and course number. Each semester, all instructors are responsible for posting their syllabi using the HB 2504 website. For HB 2504, syllabi must include, at a minimum:

  1. a brief description of each major course requirement, including each major assignment and examination;
  2. the learning objectives for the course;
  3. a general description of the subject matter of each lecture or discussion; and
  4. lists of any required or recommended readings.

PDF for Public View

Once documents are uploaded, they are automatically converted to PDF format for public viewing. Please be aware there may be a slight delay as original documents are converted and posted to the instructor/course page.

End-of-Course Evaluations

End-of-course student evaluations for all undergraduate courses were implemented in fall 2010. Results are available four to six weeks after the semester ends. Using a broad-based approach, a Faculty Senate committee developed common end-of-course student evaluation items for all undergraduate courses. Following a review period that included two public forums, the committee finalized the following items for the Student Perceptions of Instruction (SPI) measure:

  • The instructor communicated effectively.
  • The course was organized effectively.
  • The course goals were made clear.
  • The instructor conducted class as scheduled.
  • The instructor provided opportunity to learn.

These questions will be asked of students in addition to any existing teaching evaluation currently being used in each department.  The scale that the committee agreed upon is:  strongly disagree, disagree, neutral, agree, strongly agree (in that order).

Historically, departments administered SPIs each semester in undergraduate classroom courses using a Scantron form provided by the university. Students in online courses received an electronic version of the SPI. The university’s Testing, Evaluation, and Measurement Center (TEMC) managed the scanning and data analysis process. A pilot of the SPI was implemented in July 2010 to ensure data consistency and correct process weaknesses. University-wide implementation occurred at the end of fall 2010 term and has continued in every fall, spring, and summer term since that time.  

Beginning fall 2015, the Scantron form was discontinued and all students receive an electronic version of the SPI.  Emails are sent to students, as well as faculty, chairs/directors, and deans later in the semester, notifying them when these evaluation instruments will be sent. 

Summary results of the SPI evaluations are made publicly available on Texas State’s HB 2504 website approximately four to six weeks after the end of each semester. As with other website elements, the results are easily searchable and accessible by instructor name and course number/title.

Responsible Administrator

Dr. Vedaraman Sriraman,  Vice Provost for Academic Innovation and Success, is the institution’s administrator responsible for implementing provisions of HB 2504. No later than January 1 of each odd-numbered year, his office will submit a written report regarding the institution’s compliance with the legislation. View Texas State University's compliance reports.

Please contact his office at or 512-245-1217 with questions or concerns.